Wednesday, August 4, 2010

SMOOTHERING Heat in the South...

Uh, my. It has been beyond HOT the last couple of weeks. Actually, this has been the hottest summer since I've lived in Louisiana...over 7 and a half years! I've never felt anything like this! Sure, we usually have a few weeks of temps topping the triple digits, but not this many days. We have been experiencing extreme heat and drought since mid May and there's no relief in sight.

Here is a map of current temperatures across the US...including the heat index which makes it feel so much hotter, and super muggy!

Oh, how I can't wait until next Wednesday as we jet-set across the country to northern Colorado for a week! Do you see that according to the map, Colorado is feeling around 84 degrees...with the heat index? And, this isn't going to be in Grand Lake, located in the southwest corner of the Rocky Mountain National Park...this is going to be eastern Colorado which is lower elevation.

We are going to be joining in the festivities and joy of our cousin who is about to tie the knot!! I am so ready for some Colorado cool air, and mountains! It will be nice to have a chill in the air and wear a sweater at night!



BeadedTail said...

It's sizzling there! See that spot in western Oregon with no heat index showing? Just left of the 83? Hmmm, wonder who's there? Hee hee!

I do hope you get a cool down soon because triple digits is just too horrible!

Erin Love said...

I'm gonna miss you!! Have fun in Colorado!


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